sreda, 25. junij 2014


Rad gledam ti v valove bodre,
valove te zelonomodre;
temna zelen planinskih trav
in vedra višnjevost višav
lepo se v njih je zlila;
na rosah sinjega neba,
na rosah zelenih gora
lepoto to si pila –
KRASNA SI, HČI PLANIN! (Simon Gregorčič, Soči)
Takole je prekrasni gorski biser Sočo davnega leta 1879 opisal 'goriški slavček'.

Ena najlepših evropskih reki slovi po svoji izraziti smaragdni barvi, živahnih tokih v zgornjem delu ter kristalnih tolmunih. Je prispodoba naravne popolnosti, saj lepote ne predstavlja le reka temveč tudi narava, ki jo obdaja.

Soča je raj za ljubitelje vodnih športov, predvsem kajakašev. Zadnje čase pa je vse bolj priljubljen rafting na reki, ki je primeren za vse generacije brez predhodnih izkušenj, tako so postale brzice reke ter temnozeleni tolmuni dostopni vsem. Reka je primerna tudi za hydrospeed (rečni bob), okoliški potoki (sušeč ipd.) pa so odlični za canyoning (soteskanje).

Če pa vode ne marate preveč se lahko odločite za kolesarjenje, pohodništvo, plezanje, jamarstvo, fotografiranje neokrnjene narave, tandem paragliding ali pa pridete uživat sprostitev v naravi.

Za več informacij obiščitenašo spletno stran ali nam pišite na email.

Ne pozabite si pogledati našega predstavitvenega filmčka ter nam slediti na facebook-u. ;)

petek, 20. junij 2014


“It's a smile, it's a kiss, it's a sip of wine ... it's summertime!”
Summer is the best time of the year. Hair gets lighter, skin gets darker, music gets louder, nights get longer, life gets better… and of course it is time for SUMMER VACATIONS!

Don't know where to go for perfect vacations? We can help you!
Are you full of adrenalin? Or you would rather spend some peacefull time in nature?
We have something for all of you!!

In those hot summer days refreshemnt is actually more than welcome. And in our valley you can get a lot of it. In  forests, mountains, around the beautiful waterfals and of course in emerald Soča river. Soča valley is trully a natural paradise.

You have a lot of things to do here… hiking, cycling, mountaineering, climbing, caveing, paragliding, rafting, mini raft, canyning,hydrospeed, kayaking, sunbathing near refreshment Soča river, relaxing in nature…

Come and write your own unforgettable summer story in Soča valley!
The tans will fade, but the memories will last forever!

Do not forget to check our video! 

For more info visti our web page , write us on email or add as on facebook .

ponedeljek, 16. junij 2014


The weekend is over and here again is Monday we all 'love'. But it may be a perfect day to make plans for your next weekend.
Don't know what to do or where to go? We can solve your problems. All you need to do is to come in the Soča valley and we will take care for your unforgettable weekend.

We offer you a lot things to do toto liven up your weekend. You can choose between RAFTING, CANYONING, HYDROSPEED, KAYAKIN, MINI RAFT, TANDEM PARAGLIDING, CAVING, CLIMBING and at the end of the day we can arrange PICNIC for you!

We can also help you to manage your weekend package. We will find suitable accommodation for you, will arrange the transport from your sleeping place to the starting point of each activity, arrange picnic and do our best for your to have two-day escape from your everyday life routine and just enjoy the beauty of Soča valley nature.
* you can also come during the week days!

If you are here only for one day it is still ok, because in one day you still can do at least 2 activities, or 1 activity and picic.

Do not forget to take your friends with you! The bigger group is the bigger discount you'll get ;)

For more info visti our web page , write us on email or add as on facebook .